Lower Camera, Sinking, server name color, Beacon

Home Forums Suggestions Other Lower Camera, Sinking, server name color, Beacon

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    • #1966

      + On Luca, and future white servers, have names be white with a black outline?
      + If not above suggestion, leave them white and give our party/guild members the outline.
      + The []’s are not really understood. (I had to have a DEV explain to me their purpose) Make the world you’re on in the world list (P) show up as another color?
      + For when the beacon system is worked on. Instead of having a floating icon saying ‘This is your house!’. Maybe make the ‘beacon’ be a:
      A) Shining ‘beam me up’ light that pierces the galaxy straight up! Easy to spot.
      B) On the HUD make a faint light on the top or button that glows slightly bright when you turn in the general direction.
      C) Have a skill or button that turns your character towards the beacon. These creatures have instinct after all and know where their home is!
      + Make sinking slower unless you’re looking down and holding a direction (W/S)

    • #1971

      Forgot to add:
      The blocks might be either too high or the camera is too high. When I make a ‘window’ to gaze out at the view. I get let down every time. I have to make 2×2 windows just to see out. A whole person can fit through that!

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